
Wembley Open

WEMBLEY OPEN: Instagram story featuring Tiger Woods, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain & The Grounds Keepah
PRODUCTION COMPANY: Bullion Productions
OUR ROLE: Production Sound

Nike is one of the most iconic and valuable brands in the world of sport equipment, clothing and accessories, with sponsorships and partnerships in abundance. Like many corporate giants, this global reach to consumers is steadily maintained with contribution from social media interaction on platforms with a variety of sub-accounts, such as NikeLondon on Instagram. This account focuses on all Nike-related activity in the London area, posting photos and videos to capture interest from audiences whilst promoting their plethora of products.

One of the more recent advertising pushes which NikeLondon has been involved in is the #NothingBeatsALondoner campaign, which first began in February 2018 with a 3 minute long montage video of London based sportsmen and women of various ages, as well as cameos from prolific athletes, talking about the extents to which they go to compete in their passion sport. Heavily leaning on the idea of being a Londoner shows dedication and determination in the face of opposition, it empowers and excites viewers with pride and patriotism towards England’s capital.

On July 19th, NikeLondon used the Instagram story feature to broadcast a short film spinoff titled “The Wembley Open”, featuring a character known as The Grounds Keepah who protects the turf of the Wembley stadium pitch from golfing legend Tiger Woods, who has arrived to play golf much to the comical Londoner’s dismay. For the production, 1.618 Digital was brought in for the recording of on-set sound as the Grounds Keepah sets Woods numerous golfing challenges that don’t allow him to set foot on the grass as a compromise between them.

With a tongue in cheek attitude from Grounds Keepah and the contrastingly calm and straightforward demeanor of Tiger Woods, the short film promotes Nike’s Golf Carnoustie Collection of trainers, the store page of which can be accessed from Instagram. You can view the short film on the Instagram mobile app by accessing the NikeLondon account page and clicking the saved story titled Wembley Open.

Wembley Open: Instagram Story

Nike London: Instagram

Image Credit: Nike London

An Interactive Christmas Card

MERRY CHRISTMAS: An Interactive Christmas Card
BRAND: 1.618 Digital
OUR ROLE: R&D, Sound Design, Development & Implementation

During last year’s holiday seasons, 1.618 Digital didn’t want to send out any old Christmas card that would end up in the bin by Boxing Day. Our team instead used our creative flair for the seasonal greetings, and made an interactive experience for everyone to enjoy in the form of a digital “Christmas Card” game.

Built using Unreal engine and FMOD, we scattered around sounds and audio which players could discover by approaching different assets such as Christmas trees, Christmas decorations and log cabins. The audio was also encoded to react not only to a player’s contact with objects, but was mixed to be aware of their spatial presence: the subtle buzz of electricity of Christmas lights and the crackling of burning logs in a fireplace are two sound elements that change their volume and positioning in the audible space to give a true sense of immersion and a seasonal atmosphere.

The goal of the game is to explore the winter wonderland and find the hidden Christmas party, upon which the player would be rewarded with some classic Christmas tunes and a hearty well-wishing from everyone at 1.618 Digital for the holiday season and the upcoming year.

If you like to surprise your own audience this year, please get in touch and ask us for some help – [email protected]

The Christmas Card can be publicly played online at, can be controlled with the mouse and WASD keys, and is best experienced with headphones!

Christmas Card by 1.618 Digital on

Experience Playout Video: Interactive Christmas Card Find The Party

Image Credit: 1.618 Digital

Inside Childline 360º

INSIDE CHILDLINE 360º: NSPCC Charity Campaign
OUR ROLE: Sound Recording and 3D Audio Post Production

The NSPCC is a British-based charity that tackles domestic, mental, emotional and physical abuse against children in the UK. One of the services offered by the charity is Childline, a Freephone and online service for children that provides a listening ear and advice to help vulnerable young people.

In a campaign to try and give donators insight into the operations of Childline, the NSPCC worked with Parable Works to create Inside Childline 360º, a 360º video depicting an example scenario from the office, where trained staff and volunteers answer phone calls from children battling abuse all over the country. 1.618 Digital was brought on board for recording sound on set, as well as 3D Audio Post Production.

Each scenario in the video has been rewritten from real life experiences, both from the perspective of counsellors and children that call the hotline. The NSPCC premiered the video at a private charity event to raise money to continue providing the services and care currently on offer.

Parable Works case study:

Inside Childline 360º Video:

NSPCC official website:

Image Credit: Parable Works

Dungeon Scroller PC Game Demo

OUR ROLE: Sound Design and Implementation

At 1.618 Digital, we have produced sound for a short demo game, using UE4 to showcase our sound design. Based in an eerie dungeon, the atmospheric sounds reflect the ambience of the environment.

Flowing water, fire, crystals and large, moving stone objects fill the terrain. As the player moves through the level over different ground surfaces, they are met with different obstacles and objects that each omit their own sound, yet seamlessly blend into the environment.

Image Credit: 1.618 Digital

Gemalto Cyber Hero

CYBER HERO: Branded Interactive VR Gaming Experience
BRAND: Gemalto
OUR ROLE: Bespoke Music Production & Interactive Sound Design for Unreal Engine, VO Casting and Recording.

The 1.618 Digital team worked closely with the production and development teams to produce music and interactive audio for a VR gaming experience for Gemalto, a leader in Digital security. As the experience starts, the participant is facing a server. A carefully selected digitised voice welcomes the user and gives instructions. The music begins and the user is transported into a digital world where they must use special guns to encrypt data that is flying toward them in all directions. Throughout the game the participant must keep a lookout for intruders overhead, taking advantage of the entire playable area. The aim of the game is to encrypt the most data in the 60-second provided timeframe.

We created the sound so that every aspect of interactivity and embodiment had suitable sonic feedback in order for the participant to feel constantly immersed and engaged with the environment, controls and the game task itself. Our sound design was themed to the visuals: futuristic, sci-fi, slick and punchy. We produced a bespoke high-energy soundtrack for the game to ensure that all sound design elements flow seamlessly and in tune.

Gemalto Security: CyberHero VR: Experience Cybersecurity like you have never seen before!

Score Page:

Image Credit: Gemalto

73 Questions with Saoirse Ronan

73 QUESTIONS: A Youtube series by Vogue
BRAND: Condé Nast/Vogue
OUR ROLE: Production Sound

As one of the world’s leading fashion and lifestyle brands, Vogue creates a varied spectrum of media across both print and digital. 1.618 Digital were brought on board to record sound on set for an episode of their popular YouTube series 73 Questions With, featuring actress Saoirse Ronan.

Created by Joe Sabia, the structure of the piece takes place as a single-shot video tracking a celebrity around a scene in the point of view of the host, who quickfires 73 questions over the course of around 10 minutes. The questions are often centered around lifestyle and fashion to coincide with the demographic for their print publication, and have a lighthearted and fun energy that keeps audiences interested in what’s happening, both visually and in dialogue at all times.

73 Questions with Saoirse Ronan:

Saoirse Ronan on IMDb:

Vogue UK Homepage:

Vogue Youtube Channel:

73 Questions Youtube Playlist:

Image Credit: Vogue

Inside the American Embassy

INSIDE THE AMERICAN EMBASSY: A 360º trailer for Channel 4’s new series
BRAND: Channel 4
OUR ROLE: Sound Design & Binaural Audio Post Production

Channel 4 has been on our screens for 35 years, whether that be displays on our televisions, smart devices or computer monitors, providing informative and entertainment programmes and content for the UK. Now, in 2018, the press team takes the plunge into the world of VR with the creation of its VR trailer for its latest documentary series, Inside the American Embassy.

Working with Happy Finish, Channel 4 created a trailer in two definitive styles to entice different audiences to their new show: A 360º VR version to appeal to younger audiences more familiar with virtual reality and a 2D parallax version to grab their more traditional audiences. The 1.618 Digital team was brought in to edit and enhance the mix through binaural audio for both 2D and 360 versions of the trailer with the intent to transport the viewers into the newly built American Embassy based in London.

Both trailers take the viewers to different open locations of the embassy which feature both the stunning decor and internal design of the building, powerful audio quotes from past presidents and culturally-impactful people from the United State’s history, and iconic sound clips of famous events to truly enable viewers to feel the overwhelmingly patriotic ideals of the atmosphere found inside the embassy and in those that work there.

Channel 4 hoped that all of these factors coming together in the form of these two trailers launched in early June 2018 would draw in the audience for the show’s late June premiere. Touching on life inside the embassy — its inhabitants and the arguably controversial political climate surrounding the country — you can see Inside the American Embassy on All4 now.

Happy Finish Case Study: Channel 4: Inside the American Embassy

Inside the American Embassy: Watch Series

Watch The 360° Trailer: Channel 4: Inside the American Embassy

Watch The 2D Parallax Animation Trailer: Channel 4: Inside the American Embassy

Radio Times Article: Inside the Embassy: Channel 4 follows the US ambassador to the UK

Image Credit: Happy Finish

Ford ‘Share The Road’ VR Experience

SHARE THE ROAD: The WheelSwap VR Experience
OUR ROLE: Sound Design & 3D Audio Post Production

Ford has been producing cars for over 115 years, embracing the needs of the driver and creating vehicles for all kinds of lifestyles: from focusing on families to looking sleek and stylish, to eco-friendly engineering. Now, they’ve teamed up with Happy Finish to create Share The Road: The WheelSwap VR Experience as part of their campaign to create an empathy-driven interactive experience promoting positive relationships between cyclists and drivers.

The 1.618 Digital team was tasked to design and mix realistic 3D audio during the post-production stage in order to enhance the potential to empathise with both the driver and cyclist during the events that take place in both films.

To emphasise the importance of making urban areas safer for all road users and to ultimately reduce congestion, the VR experience allows the viewer to see through to eyes of both a cyclist and a driver in order to convey the difficulties and frustrations that both parties experience on the roads. Ford conducted this experiment with the hope that this empathic experience will prompt road users to make the necessary changes to their driving and cycling etiquette and to unite both parties in the pursuit of harmony.

As the driver, you feel the frustrations and dangers of careless cyclist behaviour, such as overtaking and ignoring traffic signals. As cyclists, you find yourself on the receiving end of dangerous overtaking, turns with a lack of indication and car doors being opened without checking. After shooting the film in the streets of Barcelona, Spain, Ford conducted research to see the effect that the films had on both cyclists and drivers. Here are the results:

  • 91% of viewers intended to change their road behaviour after viewing both films.
  • 70% of those who had watched the film with the opposing point of view expressed empathy for the cyclists and drivers respectively, compared to those who had not seen the films.
  • After 2 weeks of viewing the films, 60% of viewers changed their driving habits to benefit the harmony of cyclists and drivers.

Now, Ford is using these films in their Driving Skills for Life program, a driver training and education program aimed at 17-24-year-olds alongside their previous VR film collaboration with Happy Finish, Reality Check, which focuses on the dangers of distractions whilst driving.

Happy Finish Case Study: Ford ‘Share The Road’ VR Experience

Share The Road: Drivers Perspective: Ford WheelSwap: Life from a Driver’s Perspective | Ford UK

Share The Road: Cyclist Perspective: Ford WheelSwap: Life from a Cyclist’s Perspective | Ford UK

The Drum DADI Awards 2018:

Image Credit: Happy Finish

Life On The Front Line

LIFE ON THE FRONT LINE: 360º Documentary About Malaria
BRAND: Comic Relief
OUR ROLE: Binaural Sound Recording & Sound Design, Audio Postproduction

Sport Relief is one of the UK’s biggest fundraising events, bringing the nation together to get active, raise cash and change lives. 1.618 Digital worked with VR City and Comic Relief to produce audio for a 360 degree immersive video depicting the effects of malaria in Uganda. This highly informative video was created to raise awareness of the dangers of malaria and how it can be treated.

The viewer begins in a swamp in central Uganda. They are surrounded by mosquitos in larval form as the sounds of the surrounding wildlife can be heard coming from all directions. The larvae grow into adult mosquitos and as they take flight, the viewer is transported with them to a remote village. Here, we learn about the volunteer community health workers who help the most vulnerable in the fight against this disease, children under five and pregnant women. They can carry out Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) on site to diagnose the disease as early as possible.

Electron microscopic video footage of a feeding mosquito is displayed as the viewer can hear mosquitos flying around their head. The deadliest animal on earth, the mosquito kills more than 700,000 people every year.

The viewer travels by bike taxi to hospital where we see a child who is exhibiting typical symptoms of malaria. Fortunately when caught early and with the right treatment the prognosis is good.

Sport Relief uses money raised by the British public to help projects like this to fight malaria by training health workers and providing them with crucial rapid diagnostic tests.

VR City Case Study: Life on the Front Line

Sport Relief Case Study: Life on the Front Line

VR Awards 2018: VR Social Impact Award Nomination

Image Credit: Comic Relief

Yinka Shonibare VR

YINKA SHONIBARE VR: VR Experience for the Royal Academy using AI
ARTIST:  Yinka Shonibare
BRAND: Royal Academy of Arts
OUR ROLE: Immersive Soundscape

The Royal Academy of Arts: From Life exhibition explores the use of emerging virtual reality technologies in the art world. Yinka Shonibare has used these technologies to create a 3D rendering of a neoclassical painting.

Yinka Shonibare MBE is a London-based artist whose works are included in prominent collections worldwide, such as the Tate Collection, London; Victoria and Albert Museum, London; National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C; Museum of Modern Art, New York; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa; Moderna Museet, Stockholm; National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome and VandenBroek Foundation, The Netherlands.

This immersive art installation created allows users to be transported into a fusion of past and current art. Users begin their experience in front of Gavin Hamilton’s ‘Venus Presenting Helen to Paris’ (1785). Here they have the freedom to move around the 360 image and to inspect the artwork from all angles. They can then move into a courtyard behind the painting where they can view Shonibare’s Townley Venus (2017). This colourfully abstract statue, dressed in Shonibare’s trademark batik fabric, contrasts with the previously viewed painting. At 1.618 Digital we designed the immersive soundscape to truly tie these two juxtaposing worlds together maintaining the realism of the immersive experience for the user.

The From Life exhibition took place at the Royal Academy of Arts from the 11th of December 2017 until the 11th of March 2018.

Happy Finish Case Study: Yinka Shonibare VR

Watch Trailer: Yinka Shonibare VR Experience – Royal Academy 

Royal Academy: From Life’ Friends Preview

The FWA Award 2018: Venus Presenting Helen to Paris – VR with AI

The Lowie Award 2018:


Tickets to Event

Image Credit: Happy Finish