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Walk To Westerbork, Escape To Shanghai and Letters From Drancy x 3 VR experiences will be showcased at SXSW2024 this spring in Austin, Texas.

All three VR films that East City Films produced and created with the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center will be exhibited as part of the VR spotlight at this year’s SXSW festival in Austin, Texas.

This is a chance to see:

WalkToWesterbork directed by Mary Matheson, and featuring incredible Holocaust survivor Rodi Glass, and a story set in Holland and France. Walk to Westerbork is a story of luck, defiance and love for family. Showing the capacity of the human spirit to not only survive but thrive.

EscapeToShanghai directed by Charlotte Mikkelborg, is the story of Doris Fogel and her mother’s escape from Nazi Germany to Shanghai, China. Doris sheds light on a lesser-known, but important part of the Holocaust never to be forgotten. Escape to Shanghai captures the fierce perseverance of Doris and her family as refugees fighting for survival.

LettersFromDrancy directed by Darren Emerson, is the story of Marion Deichmann as she recounts her daring childhood journey across the borders of Northern Europe during WW2 with her mother Alice, her painful separation from her mother, her escape from the Nazis with the help of the French Resistance in Paris, and her survival of D-Day in Normandy.

#SXSWpanel!  Rodi Glass and Marion Deichmann, two of the Holocaust survivors featured in the film, will be taking part in a special panel alongside East City Films and the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center talking about the journey of making these films, and the importance of using new technologies to secure these stories are told to generations to come.